Saturday, December 6, 2008

Use of Split Function

''''To display the words in a sentence by spliting with dellimeter''''

str1="arunsingh is a good boy"
var=split(str1," ")
For i=0 to lenarray
msgbox str2


Babu said...

I have set of values which i had got it from a list box. Values like "1 : xxxxxxx","2 : xxxxxx" etc. I got the count of items in the list.I am iterating the loop from 1 to itemcount.I am getting each string from the list and splitting the string with the delimiter ":" and i assigned the split function to a variable called Arraylist. When i am trying to get the data in Arraylist(0),Arraylist(1) .. I am getting some error message.

Pls help me in this .. why it is not able to get 0,1 elements from the splitted string.

For i =2 to ItemCount
ItemString = Browser("Create ECO").Page("Create ECO").WebList("CE_ChangeCategory").GetItem(i)
msgbox ItemString
Arraylist = split (ItemSting," ")
Arraylist = split (allitems,";")

Anonymous said...

What is allitems in this script.
Where u r getting values for allitems

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