Friday, June 6, 2008

Import and Export Methods

Here i am giving the script for Importing data from data table and exporting the data table into Excel File.

SystemUtil.Run "C:\ProgramFiles\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe"

Dialog("text:= Login").Activate
Dialog("text: = Login").WinEdit("Attached text:=Agent Name").set "rajaputra"
Dialog("text: = Login").WinEdit("Attached text:=Password").set "mercury"
Window("text:=Flight Reservation").Activate
datatable.importSheet "C:\example.xls",1,1
For i=1 to rowcount
Window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinButton("window id:=5").Click
Dialog("text:=Open Order").Activate
Dialog("text:=Open Order").WinCheckBox("text:=&Order No.").set "ON"
Dialog("text:=Open Order").WinEdit("window id:=1016").set n
Dialog("text:=Open Order").WinButton("text:=OK").Click
If(window("text:=Flight Reservation").Dialog("text:=Open Order").Dialog("text:=Flight Reservation").exist)then
window("text:=Flight Reservation").Dialog("text:=Open Order").WinButton("text:=Cancel").Click
datatable(2,1)="Not Exist"
End If
Datatable.Export ("C:\flights.xls")
window("text:=Flight Reservation").Close

Before running this script, in "example.xls" you have to put two columns.
one is OrderNo and one is Result.
In OrderNo you can enter any valid or invalid OrderNo's and Result you can leave as it is.
We will out put the data into Results.

What is Input Parameters and OutPut Parameters

Input parameter allows you to run a test using different set of data input values.
When you use a datatable parameter, you must instruct QuickTest on where the input data will come from.

An output parameter is a value which comes back from the application under test. When you run the test QuickTest retrieves the current value of the property and enters it in the run-time datatable as an output value.

You can subsequently use this output value as a input value in your test. We call this data correlation. This enables you to use data retrieved during other parts of test.

How to run the batch file through Script

I have taken 3 tests as a example for doing batch run. They are

1. Display -It will display a message in a word doc.
2. DisplayDate - It will display a date and time in a Notepad
3. Multiplication - It will display a mathematical table in Notepad

I converted them in respective funcitons and saved in notepad as a .vbs file.
(in C:\VBLibraryFiles\)
And i wrote a VBS Finction that is called above 3 functions and saved as a callAll.vbs
(in C:\VBLibraryFiles\)
Before running the test I loaded all files into resource tab

callAll() 'Here i am just calling callAll function which is defined in callAll.vbs file


Display.vbs -

public funciton display()

set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
WordObj.visible = true
Set wordDoc = WordObj.Documents.Add
WordDoc.Range.InsertBefore "Hi Good Morning"
WordDoc.SaveAs "C:\Greetings.doc"
Set wordObj = Nothing

End Function


DisplayDate.Vbs -

Public Function displayDate()

Set fso = createObject("Scripting.filesystemObject")
Set fptr = fso.createTextfile("C:\Sample.txt")
a = FormatDateTime(Date,1)
fptr.writeLine a

End Function


Multiplication.Vbs -

Public Function multiplication()

Set obj = createObject("Scripting.filesystemObject")
Set of = obj.createTextFile("C:\mat.txt")
For i=1 to 10
of.writeLine "5 * "&i&" = "&x

End Function


CallAll.Vbs -

Public Function callAll()

msgbox "Test 1 is pass"
msgbox "Test 2 is pass"
msgbox "Test 3 is pass"

End Function

How to copy the file from one location to another location

dim filesys
Set filesys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If filesys.FileExists("C:\sourcefolder\anyfile.ext") then
filesys.CopyFile "C:\sourcefolder\anyfile.ext", C:\destinationfolder\"
End If

How to get the Count of each file in a particual folder

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fold = fso.getFolder("D:\testingfiles")
Set fc = fold.files


datatable.getSheet(1).addParameter "Word",""
datatable.getSheet(1).addParameter "Excel",""
datatable.getSheet(1).addParameter "text",""
datatable.getSheet(1).addParameter "Total Files",""

For each f in fold.files

if lcase(right(,4)) = ".doc" then
end if

if lcase(right(,4))= ".xls" then
end if

if lcase(right(,4))= ".txt" then
end if


'Run this script and see the runtime datatable

Select RadioButton through Datatable

Datatable("FlightClass, dtGlobalSheet)

'Here FlightClass is (Coach,Business, First) in the datatable.

How to Run and Close the application during Run time

We can Invoke the application during run session using

SystemUtil.Run "NameOfFile"

Systemutil.Run Statement enables you to open or run any application from a given location.
Similarly, you can use SystemUtil to close the application like this:

SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName "explorer.exe"

Working With Excell

Here I am discussing
How to create a Excel Sheet
Storing the data into Excel Sheet
Reading the data from Excel Sheet

Creation of Excel Sheet -

Set Excel=CreateObject("Excel.Activation")
Set ExcelSheet=CreateObject("Excel.sheet")

Storing the data into Excel Sheet -

ExcelSheet.SaveAs "C:\text.xls"
datatable.Import "C:\text.xls" 'Importing excel sheet into datatable

Reading the data from Excel Sheet -

msgbox "UserName is="+Excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(2,1)
msgbox "Password is="+Excel.AcitveSheet.Cells(2,2)

How to Capture the Screen Shot

By using the below script we can capture the screen shot at run time -

Browser("BrowserName").Page("PageName").captureBitmap "c:\test\ScreeShot1.bmp"

Below example will help you to get familiar with this-
'Prerequisite: Open the FlightReservation Login screen
'Then Run this Script

Set Dlg=Dialog("text:=Login")
set Wnd=Window("text:=Flight Reseravation")
Set oDlg=wnd.Dialog("text:=Open Order")

Dlg.WinEdit("attached text:=Agent Name").set "rajaputra"
Dlg.WinEdit("attached text:=Password").setSecure "mercury"

wait (7)

wnd.WinButton("window id:=5").Click
oDlg.WinCheckBox("text:=&Order No.").Set "ON"
oDlg.WinEdit("window id:=1016").set "100"

if(oDlg.Dialog("text:=Flight Reservations").Exist) then
oDlg.Dialog("text:=Flight Reservations").CaptureBitmap "C:\ScreenShot.bmp"
oDlg.Dialog("text:=Flight Reservations").WinButton("text:=OK").Click
End If


About Me

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Hi all,I am Arun Singh Rajaputra. I am working as a Project Lead in a reputed organization in Hyderabad, AP, India. I have little bit knowledge on Quick Test Professional and like to share my knowledge to all through this blog.

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