Friday, June 6, 2008

How to run the batch file through Script

I have taken 3 tests as a example for doing batch run. They are

1. Display -It will display a message in a word doc.
2. DisplayDate - It will display a date and time in a Notepad
3. Multiplication - It will display a mathematical table in Notepad

I converted them in respective funcitons and saved in notepad as a .vbs file.
(in C:\VBLibraryFiles\)
And i wrote a VBS Finction that is called above 3 functions and saved as a callAll.vbs
(in C:\VBLibraryFiles\)
Before running the test I loaded all files into resource tab

callAll() 'Here i am just calling callAll function which is defined in callAll.vbs file


Display.vbs -

public funciton display()

set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
WordObj.visible = true
Set wordDoc = WordObj.Documents.Add
WordDoc.Range.InsertBefore "Hi Good Morning"
WordDoc.SaveAs "C:\Greetings.doc"
Set wordObj = Nothing

End Function


DisplayDate.Vbs -

Public Function displayDate()

Set fso = createObject("Scripting.filesystemObject")
Set fptr = fso.createTextfile("C:\Sample.txt")
a = FormatDateTime(Date,1)
fptr.writeLine a

End Function


Multiplication.Vbs -

Public Function multiplication()

Set obj = createObject("Scripting.filesystemObject")
Set of = obj.createTextFile("C:\mat.txt")
For i=1 to 10
of.writeLine "5 * "&i&" = "&x

End Function


CallAll.Vbs -

Public Function callAll()

msgbox "Test 1 is pass"
msgbox "Test 2 is pass"
msgbox "Test 3 is pass"

End Function

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Hi all,I am Arun Singh Rajaputra. I am working as a Project Lead in a reputed organization in Hyderabad, AP, India. I have little bit knowledge on Quick Test Professional and like to share my knowledge to all through this blog.

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